Daisy, wow
July 2, 2010
I was recently in a sunny(ish) beach(ish) town in the UK called Bridlington, strolled in this really crappy record store that had DVD’s I’d never heard of and CD’s that shouldn’t have been that price for their age, then I saw it – The new Brand New album ‘Daisy’ WHY didn’t I know it was coming out?
Well, Brand New aren’t your typical band, they shy away from publicity and the spotlight, so it didn’t surprise me that I didn’t even know they were working on a new album, let alone it was already out.
I was there, staring at the album in this really poor record store, is that the Brand New? Hard to tell, they don’t have a band logo so to speak either, in my doubts I walked away pondering if it was a new album or not.
Next day, google, then play.com, it was ordered, it was Brand New and it was their new album. Two years after their last effort “The Devil and God are raging inside me”; this album – once again sees the band reinventing their sound (they remind me of Incubus for that) and at first I have to admit I wasn’t sure.

These guys are packin' the skillz.
The album has taken me a fair ol’ while to get into and for a long period I was really unsure if I even liked the CD as a whole, however it’s got that tag of a ‘grower’ like some other classic albums have, it really is a grower and each song is really well done and really adventurous for the band, another new direction another success I say!