Get The Soap
January 10, 2010
So as you may or may not know, I’m a bit of a gamer, and I have this kind of ‘weakness’ for not only buying games and lots of them, but buying the ‘Limited Edition’ versions of games.
I don’t know why this is, I guess it might stem back to me just always liking to collect shit, stuff I don’t need, but find cool anyway. So in the January sales I went out and purchased the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Veteran Edition.
It’s a real nice limited edition game too, perhaps not as cool as the Fallout 3 one, or even the Halo 3 Legenedary, but, still very cool. The set consists of the Hardened version of the game which, includes the game (duh), Call of Duty Classic, and an art book.
I do love these concept art books you get with games, wish I could draw like those guys! You also get a really nice statuette of the games main hero Soap MacTavish, I’ve enclosed a few photo’s of Soap in all his glory, the detail on the statue compared to the in-game version is pretty impressive.

Soap (In-game)